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" alt="Design and Create Application for cake and sweet shop (candoo complex)">

Design and Create Application for cake and sweet shop (candoo complex)

With candoo application, you can order your favorite sweets online. with your desired arrangement. The design of the candoo sweets collection application was done by the Smarten collection.

candoo application is designed with PWA technology. It is one of the store applications that, in addition to the store, has created many facilities for users and store management.

preview online


The main page of this application includes" showcase of the day" through which you can see the latest products of this collection. Also, in the lower part of the app, there are products that you can add to your shopping cart by selecting them and viewing the price, weight and other related information.

candoo application features:

Favorite box of sweets and cakes:

One of the best features of this app is, the arrangement based on your favorites. candoo application allows you to arrange your custom cakes and sweets box according to your favorite.


Cake order from other model and photo in app:

Another feature of this application is to order a cake by sending your favorite photo.


candoo application technologies:

Using Django in the backend, which is one of the best Python frameworks.

Reasons to use Django:

  • security

  • High speed

Using html, css, javascript and sass in the frontend

Reasons to use sass:

High speed

Avoid code duplication


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