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" alt="Design and Create Application for Beauty clinic (vala clinic)">

Design and Create Application for Beauty clinic (vala clinic)

This application is designed and implemented with the aim of better communication between customers and audiences of Vala beauty clinic. The programming technology of this app is PWA, which we explained in an article. From the efficiency of this app is, viewing the portfolio and communicating with advice, and other possibilities have been done.

    The main page of this application is designed similar to Instagram. And the app admin can upload their work posts and stories.

Users use this application:

Dear customers, they can use the skin routines of the Vala clinic or communicate with our consultants to have their own skin routine based on their skin type.


vala clinic application features: • Reminding of the time to perform the skin routine, diet and exercise program for each user • You can use this application to receive advice from Vala clinic.


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