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" alt="Design and Create Restaurant management Application (modir modern)">

Design and Create Restaurant management Application (modir modern)

This application, which is designed and produced with PWA technology, was made with the request of Mr. Majid Rezaei teacher and manager of luxury restaurants and hotels.

one of the strengths of this app is, cost control calculator, which can be the great help for manager of restaurants and hotels.


Features of this application:

  • This app calculates the price of each meal
  • Calculate and insert the final price in the menu
  • Analysis of the restaurant menu to improve it
  • It is possible to reserve a consultation with consultant of modir modern complex, Mr. Majid Rezaei
  • The possibility of registering information about the salary of restaurant employees

The main page of this app contains practical and free tutorials that are created by Mr. Majid Rezaei.

Programming language of this application

The languages ​​used in the front part: java script, html, css and sass

Languages ​​used in the backend: Python and Django


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