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" alt="Designing Ganjine salamat website( health treasure)">

Designing Ganjine salamat website( health treasure)

Health history website of Iran's medical sciences commissioned by the Ministry of Health. In the first part of this website, it is completely exclusive and creatively designed and coded, and the content related to the history of the health system is collected in sections such as movie photos, etc. In the second part of the site, the history of education of all Iranian medical sciences universities has been implemented in 70 sub-sites with sections such as managers and veterans etc.

In the third part of the site, with the emergence of Corona in the world and the spreading of this virus, it was done to collect documents related to this mysterious virus in sections such as martyrs who defend health, etc.

From technical strengths of this site,we can mention it's coding from A to Z and parts such as search based on web service in the following sites.

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